All listings for: emang1011
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Final Pictures
This is the final product of my ISTBIC stick. This stick is the first one that I have broken in and I think it has taught me a lot about traditional products and the way they function. It has turned out to be a very nice pocket that I love to use. The hold is great and the pocket is nice and shifty. There is very little whip, but it has kind of a quick release. The pocket is borderline legal, but it is my backup so I am not too worried about that. Overall, I am very happy with the way this... |
Milton | ||
March 22
I haven't used this pocket a ton recently because I use a different stick for my gamer, but it is still incredible. I have been using it on the weekends or whenever I need a stick outside of practice and games and it still throws exactly how I want it. High hold and low whip. I have really learned a lot about traditionals with this competition and I think if I were to do this again my stick would be a lot better and I would be able to put more into it. This stick still has a tennis ball in it... |
Milton | ||
February 28 Update
This stick feels right where I want it to be. I haven't used it a lot lately because I have been using a new stick, but this is still my backup stick. I used it today in the snow and it was great. The baby oil really helped weatherproof the leathers. The hold was still great with little whip. The depth is still right at legal. I don't think this is going to change a whole lot anymore, but I'm not mad. This stick feels and throws great. |
Milton | ||
February 1st Update
This stick feels incredible at this point. I've kept up with all the wall ball and shooting lately and I have also been using hot water and a tennis ball after every wall ball session. One thing I've been doing also is using a baseball bat right after I wet the pocket. The bootlace is a little thicker than crosslace so it takes a little longer to break in and I think that using the baseball bat will also help a lot. I am starting practice for my high school team tomorrow and this is the stick I... |
Milton | ||
6 Week Break-In
I haven't been breaking in this pocket as much lately with the holidays, but I'm starting to get back into things. I have been playing wallball and shooting a little more. Whenever it isn't in use I put either a tennis ball or my pocket pounder in to hold the shape of the pocket. Overall I am really liking the way it has been throwing and shooting. Nice smooth release, lots of hold, and only a little whip. The pocket is right at legal although it looks a little shallow in the picture. I can't... |
Milton | ||
3 Week Break-In
To break in this pocket, I've mainly doing a lot of wallball. I've done at least 101 passes each hand everyday and I have also been shooting. I have run the pocket under hot water after each session and put either a tennis ball and chopstick in it or my pocket stretcher. I also put some baby oil on the leathers to waterproof them a little. I have done a lot of tension work and worked on the diamond spacing also. The pocket is right at legal after adjusting the leathers. The hold has increased... |
Milton | ||
Lax_it_up24 Warrior Evolyte with a bootlace trad X
Here is my stick for the ISTBIC. I strung up my warrior evolyte with a bootlace trad X. I've been experimenting with bootlace for a while and I like the hold and solid feel that it can add, although it does take a little longer to take in. The bootlace is from stick doctor and the leathers are from minlax. I wanted a traditional that was symmetrical, but not to complicated. I settled on a trad X because it wasn't too complicated and I really like the way the ball sits in the Xs. I plan on... |
Milton |