Viewed: 11962
Screwdrivers are a must in lacrosse. They're used for helmet hardware and adjustment also for switching and mounting heads to shafts. Screwdrivers come in many different forms and usually lighter is better when having one in a travel tool kit. However if possible you can never go wrong with a screwdriver that has interchangeable ends. These come in many different forms, are relatively inexpensive and can be picked up at any big box home improvement stores and even Walmart. The interchangeable ends are great when working on helmets and every once in awhile you run across a stick that has a different screw head type besides the typical Phillips or straight. Another place where a screwdriver can be found is on multi-tools which have become very popular.A couple of the large lacrosse manufactures have started to make handy easy to carry screwdrivers such as STX and Maverik. The Maverik screwdriver also has the hex drive to tighten the new adjustable butt end on their new shafts. Quick tip: the corner of the metal chin strap clips can also be used on helmet hardware and to tighten or loosen the screw on heads.
While most of the time it is over looked and not glamorous, the trusty screwdriver is always a mainstay in any stringers tool kit. Usually the only time they're thought of is when you're in a bind, game is about to start and there's no screwdriver to tighten your head. The next time you're putting together a lacrosse tool kit make sure a screwdriver is one of the first tools in.