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Midi / Face-off / Jack of all trades 

  Lacrosse Viewed: 12276

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*****UPDATE***** Now an 8th grader playing for Minnesota Select Loons and will be trying out for White Bear Lake High School JV team in the coming months. White bear Lake High School is the 2015 High School Varsity State Champions! A whole other level of pride when I pull my Bears jersey on over my head! Bear Nation! I also will played MN Select Loons in the Fall in will be again in the summer. During the fall season I had been awarded the U15 Team MVP.

I am an 7th grader currently playing for White Bear Lake U15A as well as the MN Chill 2019 Purple travel team. I am 2020 graduate eagerly awaiting JV/Varsity lacrosse and hopefully some day play for a D1 school! Syracuse is my dream! My primary position is midi and I do a majority of the face-offs. I am also very proficient as an LSM, Close D, and Attackman. My strengths are stick skills, defense, and high scoring percentage. I am careful with shot selection and hit the cage over 95% of the time and my goal percentage is 86% for 2014. My faceoff win percentage this year (2015) is currently 84% going 138/165 for both box teams and my spring team.
My dad is a stringing and test junkie. If you are in MN and need mesh or a traditional string job let him know ;) Also he had a ton of different heads, shafts, and mesh that we test regularly because that is his passion. You can find him on Instagram as @cudikids He doesn't post a lot of what he does because he just does it for the White Bear kids and other nearby cities to help grow the game as he always says. I'm here now because he recently bought some Laxroom 5X mesh and had me test it and compare it to otter mesh that is in all my gamer sticks. Honestly I love this stuff. When wet I shot with the LaxRoom mesh more consistently than I did with Otter Mesh. I still have to do some dry testing as well. But I anticipate it will perform just as well. 5X seems to hug the ball even better than Otter Mesh even though Otter "feels" thinner.


Field Position: Midfield (Face-Off)
Box Position: Transition
Experience (Years): 3
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 139
Team/Coach (2015): MN Select Loons U15/ MN Chill U14 Purple / White Bear Lake U15 A
Team/Coach (2014): White Bear Lake U13 A
Goals (2014): 16
Assists (2014): 34
Team/Coach (2013): White Bear Lake U13 B
Goals (2013): 6
Assists (2013): 18
Special Training: Acceleration Training 2016
MN Loons ETS 2016
Homegrown Overnight Camp 2015
MN Chill Training 2015
Acceleration training 2015
Dialfest Training 2014
MN Loons Fall training 2014
Homegrown Overnight Camp 2014
Homegrown Overnight Camp 2013
Past Events: 2nd place in MN State U13A tournament 2014
Past Events: MN Select Loons U15 Fall MVP
Want Recruitment: Yes


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